
Monday, March 24, 2014

My Doberman Pinscher's Diarrhea Problems

What is diarrhea?

this is describe as having frequent loose or liquid consistency of bowel moments. It is usually last for days or weeks. If not taken seriously it can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

What causes diarrhea in dogs?

1. Change in usual diet
    - This is when you abruptly change your pets usual diet.

2. Food intolerance
    - giving foods that the tummy is not used to or they might have allergies of it

3. Ingestion of
  • garbage - sometimes they eat spoiled foods or leftover foods
  • poisonous substances- usually poisonous plants in your backyard
  • foreign bodies-  plastic bags, tissues, small toys etc.
4. Bacterial or viral infection
   - like Parvo virus

5. Parasitic infection

My Experience

Last last week, my two Doberman Pinscher; Bruno (9 years old) and Ginger (7months old)  had diarrhea problems that last for a couple of days. It started with soft poops then it becomes liquid then they are squirting poops as days passed. The first thing that comes on my mind was "..O.M.G. Ginger might again had the Parvo virus and that she might contaminated Bruno by it...". But Ginger's doctor assure me that she will no longer have the parvo virus because she already been immune of the virus and she already completed the shots needed to prevent having it. 
So what I did was I stop giving my dogs the dog food that I bought for them which is the B-pro. That might caused their diarrhea. Since I started giving them that dog food they started having diarrhea. I change my dog's diet to rice and liver spread.   In this way, their poops will somehow lessen the liquid consistency. Then I gave them a medicine of Metronidazole which is for antibiotics/ antiprotozoal and can be used for antidiarrheal for dogs/cats. So I gave them this medicine for 3 times a day for 5 days. 
After 3 days, from liquid poops it became semi solid consistency and they stop having squirts. You can see the gradual effect of the medicine. I make sure that they are hydrated and that there crates are clean. Then After 5 days giving the medicine the consistency of their poops are normal. I start giving them new batch of dog foods. But I don't abruptly give them big portions of it instead I try to give them small portions of it so that their tummy will not get upset.      

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